Find products that fits the enviromental profile for your project

ECOproduct is for selecting environmentally friendly materials and products in construction projects, and is a collaboration between Grønn Byggallianse (Green Building Alliance), SINTEF (Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research) and Norsk Byggtjeneste (Norwegian Building Centre).

ECOproduct is the only method that assess materials actual environmental impact based on a third party verified Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), and allows you to choose the environmentally best materials on the market. ECOproduct database is being used by architects, contractors and developers with the goal of using proper materials in the building process. ECOproduct is also used as demands on environmental material quality for BREEAM-NOR certification. It uses recognized international standards and references as a basis for the assessment, as well as Norwegian regulatory requirements.


Joakim Larsen
Fagsjef miljø
Telefon:951 87 564

ECOproduct for manufacturers

Highlighting your environmental profile.

As a manufacturer or supplier you will document the environmental impact of your materials. The products are being awarded marks in environmental areas indoor air quality, content of health and environmentally hazardous substances, resource use and global warming potential. The lower the score is, the better environmental profile.

ECOproduct for developers/contractors

Environmentally friendly product selection of building materials.

Environmentally conscious developers and contractors will be able to make environmentally friendly product choices in the construction process. In our database developers and contractors can quickly and easily determine if the materials chosen for their construction project meets environmental requirements. This appears in the form of symbols green, white and red in the various environmental areas.

BREEAM-NOR certification

ECOproduct provides BREEAM-NOR certified buildings.

BREEAM-NOR projects set high standards for environmentally friendly building materials. BREEAM-NOR is the Norwegian version of BREEAM, and the industry’s own tools to measure environmental performance, developed by Norwegian Green Building Council in close collaboration with the construction and property industry in Norway.

In our projects it’s constantly demands for environmentally friendly materials, in BREEAM-NOR context but also otherwise. Therefore, we require ECOproduct profiles of the main building products and materials.

Contractor – User Survey

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ECOproduct is a worthwhile investment:


ECOproduct makes it easier to select environmental friendly construction products. Construction projects will in future have environmental documentation requirements and the project requirements will be defined on the basis of these environmental characteristics.


Certification increases professionalism. ECOproduct is central to achieve a BREEAM-NOR certified building, which in turn can contribute to higher market value, rental income, occupancy, lower operating costs and increased customer satisfaction for the building.


The future is green, also for the building industry. ECOproduct highlights the company's environmental awareness. As designers get the opportunity to choose the most environmentally friendly construction materials on the market and thus meet increasingly stringent environmental requirements.

ECOproduct assesses the product in these environmental areas:


Hazardous substances according to REACH Candidate list and/or Annex XIV. Hazardous substances according to the Norwegian priority list. Hazardous substances according to and the CLP regulation.

Indoor climate

Emissions of gases according to EN 15251 (TVOC, formaldehyde, ammonia and carcinogen) measured after 28 days. Odor discontent (does not contribute to points, included in some test methods).

Global warming

Global warming potential (Kg. CO2-eq.) Total CO2 emissions of the product from raw material extraction to finished building materials.

Raw materials

Proportion of secondary materials as well as renewable and sustainable / unsustainable raw materials.


What kind of energy is used as an energy carrier and whether secondary fuel has been used as energy.

Circular economy

Suitability for recycling clarifies the future climate and environmental impact of current building materials.

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